Tuesday 22 January 2013

Company Magazine Analysis

I haven't written on this blog for ages and feel bad for it but I've been busy with creating my pages for the magazine and the paperwork for the project. Anyhow, here I am now going through my book for college and trying to figure out the dates of my production diary.

(some of the pictures of the magazines and their pages are form recent magazines)

Today I am going to talk about Company Magazine and the things I found interesting and would like to use the ideas for our group magazine.

November 2012 Issue of Company Magazine

I really like the cover of Company's November 2012 issue. It might come across as a very busy front cover but in actual fact, its quite organised, you have the magazine title at the top, the bar code at the bottom right, and the woman's name who features on the front cover at the top right. I've noticed when buying or flipping through the magazine at the shops, that the person who features on each issue cover, has their name written always at the top right side of the magazine. I think that this consistency is good because it it makes it easier for the reader to locate, because they know that it's always going to be there.

I've noticed that every time the magazine has a special event or news to announce, they use black circles to highlight the story for example the November 2012 issue have just  released 4 covers of the BINTM winner Letitia Herod. They've also used it when announcing that the February 2012 issue of Alexa Chung will be sold for £1. This little detail makes a difference on the magazine cover because not only does the person on the covers catch your eye but so does the black circle because its black and uses a white colour for the text, this makes it standout. They also use this similar idea of using a black background with white text when writing about the other big story of the magazine issue for example in the November issue, Company wrote 'How to get a job in Fashion', I like the fact that it's not to loud like the logo but has a quiet boldness that still catches your attention. The fonts of the magazine cover works with their target audience of young, creative and independent women. They are modern yet have a girly cartoonie and written moodboard like feel to the texts. Company magazine in general is a fresher and edgier version of teen VOGUE.  

This is a similar typeface to the Company one
The four November issues of Letita Herod
Alexa Chung's February issue that also uses the big black circles
Ashley Greene's name is written at the top right hand side of the magazine issue

'The Superblogger' image of the two girls are from a recent issue, in fact it's the January 2013 one. I love this page because it's colourful and eye-catching. I also like how they've integrated the lion theme to their outfits and logo. I think that the reason they choose to use the lion is because it's a big and majestic animal, 'king of the jungle' etc. The editorial was going to be reflect that by  using the two top UK fashion bloggers to promote their issue. The title of 'The Superblogger' is a great way of mirroring the lion theme.

The next page of the High-Street edit 'You Wear The Trends' , is separate from the other page. I love how despite the magazine being a busy one, this page is quite basic but neat and organised. You have the title at the top, the sub-heading in the middle, the caption text beneath it and the images all at the same sizes even though they are spread differently. This street edit page is a brilliant idea because it allows the reader to connect with the pictures, the images of the girls and what they're wearing is easier to approach and follow compared if you have images of the likes of Kate Moss wearing designer clothes like Versace, Alexander McQueen, Chanel, Louis Vuitton and etc. I also like how Company put their name and age at the bottom right hand side, written in black and set in a white 

iPhone Screenshot 1iPhone Screenshot 2

These pages come from a September 2012 issue of Company magazine. I really like this editorial because it's so pretty and well laid out. On one side you have the title 'Rising Star: Everyone's Cup Of Tea' with the introductory sub-heading. I like how the paragraph of the interview starts with a large capital S in a big, bold, black typeface. This immediately catches your eye to the story. I also like the fact when the interviewer asks Lucy Rose a question, it's highlighted in a sea green colour (it matches with the nail varnish at the opposite page). Another think I like is that in the title 'Everyone's Cup Of Tea', the background colour is in a light brown shade like the ones in the next page, Company used the colours of the photoshoot of Lucy (orange hair, reddish background setting etc) to create this effect. In the next page, I like how they used make-up to highlight the clothes and the sofa colour of the photoshoot. It's colour coordinated and organised. I think that the 'Get Lucy Rose's Look' with the music playlist type arrows (this is clever because Lucy's a singer-songwriter), again this is set against a black background and is written in capital letters.

Thursday 15 November 2012

What To Do For My Fashion Video Shoot.

I've written out a planning for the video shoot that I'm going to do on Sophie Kennedy's fashion photo shoot. This work is going to be used in both Seb's and Nick's lessons because the fashion shoot that me and Sophie are going to make will be linked in our fashion magazine pages and website. Here it is as follows:

What To Do For My Fashion Video Shoot

1.      Get Millie to introduce herself eg.
“Hi my name is Millie and today I’m going to model a series of outfits for Outrage magazine”
(Need to film the scene)

2.      Get Hannah to talk about the make-up look that she wants to create on Millie:
“Today I ....... to create a ....... look on Millie”
(Need to film the scene after Millie’s intro)

3.      Because not only is Sophie the photographer but she is also the stylist:
“I’m going to try out four (or whatever) different looks on Millie to create a etc. glam, classy look on her. (Also talk about where you bought the clothes)
(Shoot this scene after Hannah’s)

Breakdown Of The Photo Shoot
(For me Emegha Eleode)

1.      Shoot Millie’s intro
2.      Film Sophie when she showcases the outfits and talks about them. (Take a photograph of the clothes)
3.      I’m going to get shots on Millie when she is getting her make-up done by Hannah. (Also take a photograph of Millie while she is getting her make-up done, plus the finished look on her)
4.      Take video shoots of the whole photo shoot.

What I've done so far...

I haven't written on this blog for ages because I've been really busy. Throughout the last two weeks or more, I've started to design my double page spread for film reviews. I decided to write about films that will be out in Februay 2013, this is a good idea because our group magazine will be published in that month, to add the film reviews around that time will make it more relevant and and recent. I also want to write about the films that are predicted for an oscar in February 2013. I like the the fact how the Academy Awards will be held on the 24th of February 2013. In my double page layout, I would write about the five films that are predicted for an Academy Awad for Best Picture, here they are as listed:
  • Argo 
  • Lincoln
  • Silver Linings Playbook
  • Life of Pi
  • Les Miserables
However all these predictions could change in the following months due to the voters choice. Here are the other sets of films that could become possible spoiler conenders for the awad for Best Picture:
  • The Master
  • Beasts of the Southern Wild
  • Amour
  • Zero Dark Thirty
  • Django Unchained
  • Skyfall
  • Hitchcock
  • Flight
  • Promised Land
  • Mooonrise Kingdom
  • Anna Karenina

    All of these predictions will give me a clear idea of how I would design my layout and what content to put for my double page film spread.

    Sunday 4 November 2012

    Production Schedule For Magazine

    Production schedule

    Week 1 (commencing 17th September)

    -Establish roles and responsibilities
    -Set up a way in which the class can communicate outside of college
    -Research content for each page
    -Decide style of the magazine (e.g. lifestyle, Fashion, Sport etc.)
    -Identify a target audience
    -Identify weather the magazine will be local, national, international

    Week 2 (commencing 24th September)
    -Decide a magazine name
    -Set up server
    -Confirm what will be featured on each page
    -Read through the brief with the class to understand the task fully

    Week 3 (commencing 1st October)
    -Discuss layout/look/theme of the magazine
    -Find several magazines that have a similar theme in which we would like to take inspiration from
    -Set up masters pages for the server
    - Draw up thumbnails of potential designs of the magazine and/or begin designing straight onto master pages

    Week 4 (commencing 8th October)
    -Start creating dummy pages to get practise ready for final production after half term (this will enable each of us to understand what our strengths and weaknesses are, we can also identify weather we will need several sessions to go over understanding how Indesign works as we may have forgotten the skills we learnt last year)

    Week 5 (commencing 15th October)
    -Continue working on dummy pages as it is not expected to be able to complete this task in 2 lessons

    Week 6 (commencing 22nd October)

    Week 7 (commencing 29th October)

    From Lucyann Mortimore

    Monday 29 October 2012

    Film Review and Feature Writing Magazine Pages

    Structure of a film Review

    Structure of a Film Review

    This slideshow is to help me design and write my film review writing. I might use the structure of this slideshow in my film review page.

    Information courtesy to docstoc.com

    Friday 12 October 2012

    Fashion photo shoot ideas for our Magazine

    I know its a bit blurry but I hope that you can still see. This is the idea so far for the fashion photo shoot. We formed this idea last week (04/10/2012) in Jalpa's lesson it might change the idea and shooting locations slightly in the coming weeks.