Monday 1 October 2012

Monday 17th September- Lesson 1

On Monday afternoon, we had our first lesson in magazine design and layout production. Seb introduced us to the new project which is to design and create a full magazine. Together as a group we decided on the target audience and age group for our magazine. Originally it was aimed at 18-24 year olds but due to the magazine brief, it was stated that the magazine should be for 16-24 year olds.

We also discussed on the content for the magazine, here are the list of the chosen topics:

                                    Magazine Topics
    • Beauty
    • Fashion
    • Music
    • Sports
    • Technology/Gadgets
    • Nightlife
    • Living Space*
    • Uni Checklists/Essentials*
    • Horoscopes*
    • Adverts
    • Films/Review Page
    • Holidays
    • Back Cover (of magazine)
    • Front Cover (of magazine)

This is what we decided on on our first lesson though most of it are subject to change (market with red asterix).

We then discussed on the job roles for the magazine, here is the list of the assigned jobs:

                                           Job Roles
  • Editor-in-chief: Chloe Kelley
  • Deputy Editor: Lucyann Mortimore
  • Assistant editor: Emma Bailey
  • Page Layout and Design: Lucyann Mortimore, Sophie O'Donnell and many more to come
  • Writers: Lewis Schofield and Hannah
  • Photographers: Jessie Coulthard and Kelsey
  • Researcher: Emegha Eleode 
  • Proof Readers: Jade Markham
  • Ideas: Brontë Schoonen and Alex Bestwick

                    Magazine Editorial Roles

  • Beauty: Hannah
  • Fashion: Emma/Jessie/Brontë
  • Festivals: Jade/Lucyann
  • Music: Sophie
  • Sports: Matt
  • Technology/Gadgets: Chloe Kelley
  • Nightlife: Lewis
  • Interview: Chloe Kelley
  • Interior/Living Space: Lucyann*
  • Uni Check List/Essentials: Not yet assigned*
  • Horoscopes: Not yes assigned*
  • Film/Reviews: Emegha/ Kelsey/ Lewis
  • Holidays: Emma/Jessie
  • Feature: Emegha Eleode
  • Front/Back Page Cover: Lucyann/Alex
  • Contents Page: Alex
  • Adverts: Alex/Matt/and others
Again all will be subject to change (market with red asterix) depending on our future lessons.

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