Friday, 12 October 2012

Yesterday's lesson (11/10/2012)

Yesterday's lesson (11/10/2012) wasn't too bad, Chloe and Lucyann managed to take photographs of our groups contributors page. Also in Jalpa's class, towards the last hour, the editors (Chloe and Lucyann) went round the class and did a one-to-one progress interview of our chosen topic. We discussed my part (film review and feature writing) in more detail. In all honesty, I think I'm more confident on the feature page because I already know what kind of layout I might create, the two editors agreed with my idea but I have to produce the page in more detail for the following week (not the finished piece of course). In the other hand, my film review might cause some problems because me and the editors are thinking of watching a film that might be out in November while I'm doing mock-ups and a proper finished page (the final finished reviews will be then dropped in) or I can write about up and coming films that will be out in the following year and add a comment like, 'watch out for..... films that will be out in February', etc. I think I prefer this idea, but lets see how it all goes....

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