Thursday, 4 October 2012

Thursday 20th September- Lesson 4

Working to a Brief
Minutes- 20th September 2012 12:21pm
Room 2.06

We had our first meeting as a class together, I chose to do the meetings for this lesson. This was quite hard work because I had to listen carefully so as not to miss anything out (I did voice my ideas a few times because the disscusion was too interesting to miss. Anyway here is the finished brief for this lesson.
Lifestyle fashion magazine

    Do our own page each and take photographs
·         Proof readers/Writers need to read over the magazine and to make sure that the continuity of it flows together - Jade and Hannah
·         Photograph- Everyone should take their own pictures/Individual photos
·         Beauty- Hannah(for definite) and Kelsey  
·         Fashion (shoots/models)- Emma, Jessie, Chloe
·         Festivals- Lucyann, Jade
·         Sports- Matt (for definite), Lewis?
·         Disscusion of type of magazine whether the format should include girls on one side and boys on the other or a flip typed one. Although the problem because we have less boys and more girls and we might include a beauty page, it might be harder to approach this task.
·         We are going to incorporate the music page to tie in with the interviews, and festivals.
·         We need to ask client about negotiating whether the magazine is going to be a Leicester based or a national.
·         Interviews-Chloe, might include up and coming artists
·         Nightlife- Lewis although Chloe might help
·         We need to discuss whether to include twitter in our features page (what is trending)
·         Features page-Chloe, Lucyann
·         Adverts-Alex, Matt, Bronte
·         Include Emma’s perfume photo of Chloe as part of the adverts pages
·         For each section e.g. Beauty, fashion etc, there is going to be an advert after each section.
·         Might include tour dates in the features page
·         Film review- two double page spreads on film and music reviews.
·         Film- Lewis, Kelsey , Music- Me, Sophie
·         Holidays- Best places to eat, party, shop, places to relax etc at affordable prices.
·         Front & Back cover- Alex, Lucyann although we’re all going to have an input in the designs
·         Contents Page- Jade, Sophie

Signatures (must sign) 
Note taker- Emegha Eleode
Editor- Chloe Kelly
Deputy Editor- Lucyann Mortimore
Sub Editor- Emma Bailey

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