Thursday 15 November 2012

What To Do For My Fashion Video Shoot.

I've written out a planning for the video shoot that I'm going to do on Sophie Kennedy's fashion photo shoot. This work is going to be used in both Seb's and Nick's lessons because the fashion shoot that me and Sophie are going to make will be linked in our fashion magazine pages and website. Here it is as follows:

What To Do For My Fashion Video Shoot

1.      Get Millie to introduce herself eg.
“Hi my name is Millie and today I’m going to model a series of outfits for Outrage magazine”
(Need to film the scene)

2.      Get Hannah to talk about the make-up look that she wants to create on Millie:
“Today I ....... to create a ....... look on Millie”
(Need to film the scene after Millie’s intro)

3.      Because not only is Sophie the photographer but she is also the stylist:
“I’m going to try out four (or whatever) different looks on Millie to create a etc. glam, classy look on her. (Also talk about where you bought the clothes)
(Shoot this scene after Hannah’s)

Breakdown Of The Photo Shoot
(For me Emegha Eleode)

1.      Shoot Millie’s intro
2.      Film Sophie when she showcases the outfits and talks about them. (Take a photograph of the clothes)
3.      I’m going to get shots on Millie when she is getting her make-up done by Hannah. (Also take a photograph of Millie while she is getting her make-up done, plus the finished look on her)
4.      Take video shoots of the whole photo shoot.

What I've done so far...

I haven't written on this blog for ages because I've been really busy. Throughout the last two weeks or more, I've started to design my double page spread for film reviews. I decided to write about films that will be out in Februay 2013, this is a good idea because our group magazine will be published in that month, to add the film reviews around that time will make it more relevant and and recent. I also want to write about the films that are predicted for an oscar in February 2013. I like the the fact how the Academy Awards will be held on the 24th of February 2013. In my double page layout, I would write about the five films that are predicted for an Academy Awad for Best Picture, here they are as listed:
  • Argo 
  • Lincoln
  • Silver Linings Playbook
  • Life of Pi
  • Les Miserables
However all these predictions could change in the following months due to the voters choice. Here are the other sets of films that could become possible spoiler conenders for the awad for Best Picture:
  • The Master
  • Beasts of the Southern Wild
  • Amour
  • Zero Dark Thirty
  • Django Unchained
  • Skyfall
  • Hitchcock
  • Flight
  • Promised Land
  • Mooonrise Kingdom
  • Anna Karenina

    All of these predictions will give me a clear idea of how I would design my layout and what content to put for my double page film spread.

    Sunday 4 November 2012

    Production Schedule For Magazine

    Production schedule

    Week 1 (commencing 17th September)

    -Establish roles and responsibilities
    -Set up a way in which the class can communicate outside of college
    -Research content for each page
    -Decide style of the magazine (e.g. lifestyle, Fashion, Sport etc.)
    -Identify a target audience
    -Identify weather the magazine will be local, national, international

    Week 2 (commencing 24th September)
    -Decide a magazine name
    -Set up server
    -Confirm what will be featured on each page
    -Read through the brief with the class to understand the task fully

    Week 3 (commencing 1st October)
    -Discuss layout/look/theme of the magazine
    -Find several magazines that have a similar theme in which we would like to take inspiration from
    -Set up masters pages for the server
    - Draw up thumbnails of potential designs of the magazine and/or begin designing straight onto master pages

    Week 4 (commencing 8th October)
    -Start creating dummy pages to get practise ready for final production after half term (this will enable each of us to understand what our strengths and weaknesses are, we can also identify weather we will need several sessions to go over understanding how Indesign works as we may have forgotten the skills we learnt last year)

    Week 5 (commencing 15th October)
    -Continue working on dummy pages as it is not expected to be able to complete this task in 2 lessons

    Week 6 (commencing 22nd October)

    Week 7 (commencing 29th October)

    From Lucyann Mortimore

    Monday 29 October 2012

    Film Review and Feature Writing Magazine Pages

    Structure of a film Review

    Structure of a Film Review

    This slideshow is to help me design and write my film review writing. I might use the structure of this slideshow in my film review page.

    Information courtesy to

    Friday 12 October 2012

    Fashion photo shoot ideas for our Magazine

    I know its a bit blurry but I hope that you can still see. This is the idea so far for the fashion photo shoot. We formed this idea last week (04/10/2012) in Jalpa's lesson it might change the idea and shooting locations slightly in the coming weeks. 

    This Morning 12/10/2012

    This morning (before I go to work) I've found some illustrations online that could be a usual find for our magazine research. We're thinking of doing some drawings for the front cover, the A-Z film index and maybe the back cover. Here they are:

    Image courtesy to

    Yesterday's lesson (11/10/2012)

    Yesterday's lesson (11/10/2012) wasn't too bad, Chloe and Lucyann managed to take photographs of our groups contributors page. Also in Jalpa's class, towards the last hour, the editors (Chloe and Lucyann) went round the class and did a one-to-one progress interview of our chosen topic. We discussed my part (film review and feature writing) in more detail. In all honesty, I think I'm more confident on the feature page because I already know what kind of layout I might create, the two editors agreed with my idea but I have to produce the page in more detail for the following week (not the finished piece of course). In the other hand, my film review might cause some problems because me and the editors are thinking of watching a film that might be out in November while I'm doing mock-ups and a proper finished page (the final finished reviews will be then dropped in) or I can write about up and coming films that will be out in the following year and add a comment like, 'watch out for..... films that will be out in February', etc. I think I prefer this idea, but lets see how it all goes....


    Zoom in your web page to get a better view of the text.

    Thursday 4 October 2012

    Thursday 20th September- Lesson 4

    Working to a Brief
    Minutes- 20th September 2012 12:21pm
    Room 2.06

    We had our first meeting as a class together, I chose to do the meetings for this lesson. This was quite hard work because I had to listen carefully so as not to miss anything out (I did voice my ideas a few times because the disscusion was too interesting to miss. Anyway here is the finished brief for this lesson.
    Lifestyle fashion magazine

        Do our own page each and take photographs
    ·         Proof readers/Writers need to read over the magazine and to make sure that the continuity of it flows together - Jade and Hannah
    ·         Photograph- Everyone should take their own pictures/Individual photos
    ·         Beauty- Hannah(for definite) and Kelsey  
    ·         Fashion (shoots/models)- Emma, Jessie, Chloe
    ·         Festivals- Lucyann, Jade
    ·         Sports- Matt (for definite), Lewis?
    ·         Disscusion of type of magazine whether the format should include girls on one side and boys on the other or a flip typed one. Although the problem because we have less boys and more girls and we might include a beauty page, it might be harder to approach this task.
    ·         We are going to incorporate the music page to tie in with the interviews, and festivals.
    ·         We need to ask client about negotiating whether the magazine is going to be a Leicester based or a national.
    ·         Interviews-Chloe, might include up and coming artists
    ·         Nightlife- Lewis although Chloe might help
    ·         We need to discuss whether to include twitter in our features page (what is trending)
    ·         Features page-Chloe, Lucyann
    ·         Adverts-Alex, Matt, Bronte
    ·         Include Emma’s perfume photo of Chloe as part of the adverts pages
    ·         For each section e.g. Beauty, fashion etc, there is going to be an advert after each section.
    ·         Might include tour dates in the features page
    ·         Film review- two double page spreads on film and music reviews.
    ·         Film- Lewis, Kelsey , Music- Me, Sophie
    ·         Holidays- Best places to eat, party, shop, places to relax etc at affordable prices.
    ·         Front & Back cover- Alex, Lucyann although we’re all going to have an input in the designs
    ·         Contents Page- Jade, Sophie

    Signatures (must sign) 
    Note taker- Emegha Eleode
    Editor- Chloe Kelly
    Deputy Editor- Lucyann Mortimore
    Sub Editor- Emma Bailey

    Monday 1 October 2012

    Monday 17th September- Lesson 1

    On Monday afternoon, we had our first lesson in magazine design and layout production. Seb introduced us to the new project which is to design and create a full magazine. Together as a group we decided on the target audience and age group for our magazine. Originally it was aimed at 18-24 year olds but due to the magazine brief, it was stated that the magazine should be for 16-24 year olds.

    We also discussed on the content for the magazine, here are the list of the chosen topics:

                                        Magazine Topics
      • Beauty
      • Fashion
      • Music
      • Sports
      • Technology/Gadgets
      • Nightlife
      • Living Space*
      • Uni Checklists/Essentials*
      • Horoscopes*
      • Adverts
      • Films/Review Page
      • Holidays
      • Back Cover (of magazine)
      • Front Cover (of magazine)

    This is what we decided on on our first lesson though most of it are subject to change (market with red asterix).

    We then discussed on the job roles for the magazine, here is the list of the assigned jobs:

                                               Job Roles
    • Editor-in-chief: Chloe Kelley
    • Deputy Editor: Lucyann Mortimore
    • Assistant editor: Emma Bailey
    • Page Layout and Design: Lucyann Mortimore, Sophie O'Donnell and many more to come
    • Writers: Lewis Schofield and Hannah
    • Photographers: Jessie Coulthard and Kelsey
    • Researcher: Emegha Eleode 
    • Proof Readers: Jade Markham
    • Ideas: Brontë Schoonen and Alex Bestwick

                        Magazine Editorial Roles

    • Beauty: Hannah
    • Fashion: Emma/Jessie/Brontë
    • Festivals: Jade/Lucyann
    • Music: Sophie
    • Sports: Matt
    • Technology/Gadgets: Chloe Kelley
    • Nightlife: Lewis
    • Interview: Chloe Kelley
    • Interior/Living Space: Lucyann*
    • Uni Check List/Essentials: Not yet assigned*
    • Horoscopes: Not yes assigned*
    • Film/Reviews: Emegha/ Kelsey/ Lewis
    • Holidays: Emma/Jessie
    • Feature: Emegha Eleode
    • Front/Back Page Cover: Lucyann/Alex
    • Contents Page: Alex
    • Adverts: Alex/Matt/and others
    Again all will be subject to change (market with red asterix) depending on our future lessons.